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Table of Contents


 Unit 1 | Algebra

Page 1 | Expressions and Formulae

Page 2 | Index notation

Page 3| Solving Linear Equations

Page 4| Expanding and Factorising

Page 5| Factorising Quadratics and expanding double brackets

Page 6| Patterns and Sequences

Page 7| Simultaneous Equations

Page 8| Changing the subject of a Formula

Page 9| Adding , subtracting algebraic formulas

 Unit 2 |Graphs

Page 1 | Straight line graphs

Page 2 | Graphs of Quadratic functions

Unit 3 |Geometry and Measure

Page 1 | Transformations

Page 2 | Symmetry

Page 3 | Coordinates

Page 4 | Perimeter, Area, Volume

Page 5 | Circle geometry

Page 6 | Measurement

Page 7 | Trigonometry

Page 8 | Pythagoras

Page 9 | Angles

Page 10 | Shapes

Page 11| Time

Page 12 | Locus

Unit 4 | Numbers

Page 1 | Speed, Distance and time

Page 2 | Rounding and estimating

Page 3 | Ratio and proportion

Page 4 | Factors, Multiples and primes

Page 5 | Powers and roots

Page 6 | Decimals

Page 7 | Positive and negative numbers

Page 8 | Basic operations

Page 9 | Fractions

Page 10 | Percentages

Unit 5 | Statistics and Probability

Page 1 | Sampling data (MA)

Page 2 | Recording and representing data

Page 3 | Mean median range and mode

Page 4 | Standard deviation

Unit 4 | Calculus


Using a calculator can be very helpful in mathematics but it’s important to know how to use the calculator correctly, or you could still end up with the wrong answer.

Difficult, long-winded question may need more than one step if you want to get the answer right.

Example 1 :

Let’s say that the question we got is (49.2 + 7.6)(18.75 x 2). We’ll break this down into steps.

  1. First, we’ll do 49.2 + 7.6 and write its answer down.
  2. Then, we’ll do 18.75 x 2 and write its answer down
  3. Finally, we can do the subtraction.

Using a calculator to convert fractions to decimals is really easy! All you need to do is divide the numerator by the denominator.

Example 2 :

If we needed to convert into a decimal, all we need to do is take 5 and divide it by 8

5 ÷ 8 = 0. 875 therefore     = 0.375 

Calculators are also really handy when you’re trying to find the answer to a question that might take a lot of working out.

Example 3 :

Let’s say the question we’ve been given is ‘find two numbers that add together to make 20 and multiply together to make 96’.

We know which pairs of numbers will add together to make 20 so let’s do a couple of sums to try and guess the answer.

10 x 10 = 100 – this answer is too big

15 x 5 = 75 – this answer is too small

The real answer must be in between these two

12 x 8 = 96 – we got the right answer

With a calculator, we could have done lots of sums very quickly to get the right answer.


Calculators Exercise


1) Using a calculator, write the answer to the following 49.14 ÷6.3=

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2) Angle has three pieces of rope. The first is 250cm and the second is 176cm. The third pieces of rope has a length thats exactly between the first and the second pieces.


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3) Priya’s school was having a bun sale. They managed to sell 423 buy at 25p each. How much money did they make?


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4) Change these fraction into decimals

a) 3/8 b) 3/5 c) 1/3


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5) If the area of a neom is 81 m2 , what is the length of one side?


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6) Write in the missing number

134.76 ÷ = 112.3


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7) (18 + 42)×(76 – 67) =


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8) Harmony is thinking of a number.If she multiplies it by itself 3 times, the answer is 512. What is the number ?


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all of your dreams.” – T. D. Jakes

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