On, at, by, with, about | Improve Tuition | Tutors | Tuition | Tutoring | Tutor

Table of Contents

Week 1 | English Grammar

Day 1| Auxiliary verbs

Day 2 |Am/is/are

Day 3 |Am/is/are Questions

Day 4 |I am doing (present continuous)

Day 5 |Are you doing? (present continuous questions)

Day 6 |I do/work/like (present simple)(present continuous questions)

Week 2 | English Grammar

Day 1 |I don't... (present simple negative)

Day 2 |Do you...? (present simple questions)

Day 3 |I am doing (present continuous) I do (present simple)

Day 4 |I have... and I've got...

Day 5 |Was/were

Day 6 |Worked/got/went etc (past simple)

Week 3 | English Grammar

Day 1 |I didn't... did you...? (past simple negative and questions)

Day 2 |I was doing (past continuous)

Day 3 |I was doing (past continuous) and I did (past simple)

Day 4 |I have done (present perfect 1)

Day 5 |I've just... I've already... I haven't...yet (present perfect 2)

Day 6 |Have you ever...? (present perfect 3)

Week 4| English Grammar

Day 1 |How long have you...? (present perfect 4)

Day 2 |For, since, ago

Day 3 |I have done (present perfect) and I did (past)

Day 4 |Is done, was done (passive 1)

Day 5 |Is being done, has been done (passive 2)

Day 6 |Be/have/do in present and past tenses

Week 5| English Grammar

Day 1 |Regular and irregular verbs

Day 2 |What are you doing tomorrow?

Day 3 |I'm going to...

Day 4 |Will/shall (1)

Day 5 |Will/shall (2)

Day 6 |Might

Week 6| English Grammar

Day 1 |Can and could

Day 2 |Must, mustn't, don't, need to

Day 3 |Should

Day 4 |I have to

Day 5 |Would you like...?

Day 6 |Do this! Don't do that! Let's do that

Week 7| English Grammar

Day 1 |I used to...

Day 2 |There is... There are...

Day 3 |There was/were... There has/have been... There will be...

Day 4 |It...

Day 5 |I am, I don't

Day 6 |Have you? Are you? Don't you? etc

Week 8| English Grammar

Day 1 |Too/either/so am I/neither do I etc

Day 2 |Isn't/haven't/don't etc (negatives)

Day 3 |Do they? Is it? Have you?

Day 4 |Forming questions (who/what/why/where/when/which)

Day 5 |What...? Which...? How...?

Day 6 |How long does it take...?

Week 9| English Grammar

Day 1 |Do you know where...? I don't know what... etc

Day 2 |He/she said that... He/she told me that...

Day 3 |Work/working Go/going Do/doing

Day 4 |I want you to... I told you to...

Day 5 |I went to the shop to...

Day 6 |Go to... Go on... Go for... Go -ing... Get…

Week 10| English Grammar

Day 1 |Get...

Day 2 |Do and make

Day 3 |Have...

Day 4 |I/me He/him They/them etc

Day 5 |My/his/their etc

Day 6 |Whose is this? It's mine/yours/hers etc

Week 11| English Grammar

Day 1 |Myself/yourself/themselves etc

Day 2 |A/an...

Day 3 |Singular & plural

Day 4 |The...

Day 5 |Go to...

Day 6 |This/that/these/those

Week 12| English Grammar

Day 1 |Some & any

Day 2 |All/most/some/any/no/none etc

Day 3 |Adjectives

Day 4 |Adverbs

Day 5 |Imperatives

Day 6 |And but or so because

Week 13| English Grammar

Day 1 |When...

Day 2 |If we go... if you see... etc

Day 3 |If I had... If we went... etc

Day 4 |A person who... A thing that/which (relative clauses 1)

Day 5 |How long have you…?(present perfect 4)

Day 6 |For since ago

On, at, by, with, about


  • Mum and dad are going on
  • We watched the documentary on the television.
  • Dad listens to the news on the radio.
  • My sister is always on the phone to her best friend.
  • The kitchen is on
  • You better be on time tomorrow.
  • Write your name on your homework.
  • Make a note of what you want on the board.



  • My dad got married at the age of 26.
  • My little brother started walking at the age of 15 months.
  • She became a teacher at the age of 33.
  • Emma bought her own house at the age of 22.
  • The speed of the car was  at
  • A truck uses more petrol at 100km than a car.
  • Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
  • Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius.
  • The bus will arrive at 5:30.
  • The plane is going to leave at



When we talk about travel we use by:

  • I travel to school by
  • Do you like travelling by bus?
  • My sister goes to work by
  • My brother went to town by
  • My grandparents feel sick when they travel by

BUT… when you talk about travelling by foot, you CANNOT say by foot, you say on foot.


You can’t get there by bus. You have to go on foot. (= saying on foot means you have to walk)


We use by when saying who made something:

  • The book is by Jane Austin.
  • Have you read any books by JK Rowling?
  • I’m reading a book by Charlotte Bronte.
  • Have you seen any movies by Warner Brothers?
  • The movie is produced by Tom Cruise.
  • Have you heard that new song by Chris Brown?
  • Who is that song by?
  • Who is that painting by?


We use by after the passive:

  • My sister got bitten by a dog.
  • My mum’s car got hit by a police officer.
  • The cake was eaten by my sister.
  • The vase was smashed by
  • Josh was tackled by Jack in football.



We use with/without when talking about being accompanied by another or not:

  • Did you get the bus with your mum or with your friends?
  • I stayed the night with a few friends.
  • Sue went to the new restaurant in town with her family.
  • I’m going shopping with my mum.
  • Are you going to come  with me?
  • My sister’s gone out with her boyfriend.
  • Don’t go without
  • Do you like your tea with or without sugar?
  • I can’t cut a slice of cake without a sharp knife.
  • Maria went on the train without her sister.
  • I can see the TV without my glasses.


We use with/without when talking about having or possessing something:

  • I want to buy a dress with
  • She wants a headband with a bow.
  • Do you know a man with a beard?
  • She’s wearing a dress without
  • Is there anyone in your class without a phone?
  • They have a bathroom without a toilet inside.



Verb + about

  • They were talking about going on holiday at lunch.
  • Mum spoke about you to grandma.
  • I don’t know a lot about
  • I don’t think about Josh anymore.
  • Did you hear about Sharon’s parents?


Noun + about

  • There was a programme about hurricanes on television.
  • There was a documentary about Martin Luther King.
  • We filled in a questionnaire about the government.
  • Did you have any information about Nick’s party?
  • Do you have any queries about your stay at our hotel?


On, at, by, with, about Exercises



1. Fill in the missing gaps of the following sentences using the phrases given.

on holiday, on the phone, on fire, on the radio, on television, on time

• I’m to your grandma.

• There’s always good songs .

• What’s ?

• Try to be here .

• Sue’s parents are going .

• The house is .


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2. Complete the following sentences using by…..

• I am going to Africa

• My sister goes to work

• My dad has gone to the supermarket

• We are going shopping

• They’re going Manchester

• The kids have gone to the park


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3. Complete the following sentences using by…. Use google to help you come up with some authors, artists etc if you struggle.

• The book is

• The painting is

• The song is

• Have you read any books ?

• Have you see any paintings ?

• Have you heard any songs ?


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4. Write 4 sentences using by after the passive


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5. Fill in the missing gaps with either with or without.

• Did you stay at a hotel or friends?

• Please don’t go me.

• You can go me.

• We told Linda to come us shopping.

• Do you like your coffee or sugar?

• Are you coming me?

• Are you going Susan to Michael’s party?

• I cut the paper a pair of scissors.

• I can read that poster my glasses.

• I can’t watch television my glasses.


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6. Write down 4 sentences using with to illustrate having or possessing something


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Challenge: Use the words given to create your own sentences using about

• (talk)

• (speak)

• (think)

• (hear)

• (know)

• (book)

• (question)

• (questionnaire)

• (programme)

• (reality show)

• (information)


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“Intelligence plus character –
that is the goal of the true education.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

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